Trailhead Therapy

where your journey begins…

My name is Kiersten Eberle Medina (she/her/hers), PhD, and I’m a licensed psychologist based out of Colorado specializing in therapy for eating disorders, relationship struggles, trauma, and grief.

I approach therapy from an interpersonal framework full of authenticity, compassion, humor, and sass.

To schedule a FREE consultation with Kiersten Eberle Medina, call:

(720) 893-9590

In-Person Sessions


(720) 893-9590

The office is located in Suite 201 on the second floor of the 864 building (labeled FOUR). When searching the address, ensure you put in both ‘W.’ and ‘South’ and the city as Louisville. There is an elevator and stairs. Bathrooms in the building are single occupancy but labelled by gender.

If you have any concerns or questions about accessibility or safety in the office, please let me know prior to session.

864 W. South Boulder Rd
Suite 201
Louisville, CO 80027

Based out of Colorado, but working through PsyPact, 
I can see individuals across certain states*

Contact me for a free 20-minute phone consultation to discuss what you’re looking for and if we’re a good fit for individual or couples/relationship therapy!


How do you say your name?

That’s a completely fair question. I don’t know. Kidding, but really you can pronounce it however you want, I usually figure out who you’re talking to. If you want to know the correct way: keer-sten ebb-er-lee meh-deena.


Do you take insurance?

Unfortunately, I don’t currently take insurance. However, I am able to provide a very flexible sliding scale, so if the base fee doesn’t feel do-able, PLEASE let me know what you’re looking for and we can negotiate options. Seriously. Let me know! I want to make sure you get the care you need. I can also help you get connected to therapists who do provide insurance-based care.


Will you get rid of my negative emotions?

Short answer: No.

Longer answer: I approach therapy from the assumption that uncomfortable emotions, which people usually label as negative (e.g., anger, sadness, anxiety), are a normal part of the human experience. This doesn’t mean therapy won’t help lessen and alleviate some of these emotions, but you’ll also learn how to sit with these emotions, despite the discomfort, and cope with them in healthy and positive ways.


If negative emotions are normal, how do I know when I need therapy?

So yes, uncomfortable emotions, such as anxiety or sadness, happen throughout life. However, if you feel like you’re struggling to move through these emotions, if you’re coping with them through avoidance or negative habits (e.g., self-harm, disorder eating, substance use), or if you simply feel like nothing is changing and you’re feeling hopeless in these emotions, then this is a great time to seek out therapy and support. These emotions should be uncomfortable, not life threatening or unbearable.


I don’t have an eating disorder, but I do struggle with my weight, body image, eating habits, guilt and shame, self-perception, etc. Should I get help?

You don’t need to earn getting help. There is no such thing as not sick enough, not bad enough, not in pain enough, not thin enough to seek therapy and support. Everyone, if they are uncomfortable or discontent with their current selves, deserves help. Plenty of individuals get sucked into diet culture and may feel like they are drowning in it. Even if you’re just struggling with constant thoughts about food and weight, you deserve better!


What the heck is PSYPACT and why does it matter to me?

Psychologists in the United States are licensed by states, which means we can usually only practice with clients who are within the state we are licensed in. During the COVID-19 pandemic this got a little, well, wibbly wobbly, but as of now we are back to not being able to practice across state lines in most cases. PSYPACT is an agreement that allows us to jump through a few extra hoops to be able to see clients in any of the participating states. This means if you travel frequently between certain states or want to do relationship therapy with others out of the state, I may be able to help! Read here for more information.